"Henry Highland Garnet was an African-American abolitionist born circa December 23, 1815 in Kent County, Maryland. Born as a slave, he and his family escaped to New York when he was about nine years old. In the 1840s and decades afterward he became an abolitionist. His “Call to Rebellion” speech encouraged slaves to free themselves by rising up against owners. Seen as a radical, he became a controversial figure within the abolitionist movement. In 1881 he worked in a government post in Liberia, "Call to Rebellion" and a few months later died in February 13, 1882." Thank you Mr. Garnet for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Henry Highland Garnet. :-)
"Neither god, nor angels, or just men, command you to suffer for a single moment. Therefore it is your solemn and imperative duty to use every means, both moral, intellectual, and physical that promises success." - Henry Highland Garnet
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