Sunday, June 8, 2014

May 26th is Aaron Douglas Day!!!

May 26th is Aaron Douglas Day!!! 

"Aaron Douglas was an African-American painter and graphic artist who played a leading role in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s. His first major commission, to illustrate Alain LeRoy Locke's book, The New Negro, prompted requests for graphics from other Harlem Renaissance writers. By 1939, Douglas started teaching at Fisk University, where he remained for the next 27 years." Thank you Mr. Douglas for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Aaron Douglas.

"(L)et's bare our arms and plunge them deep through laughter, through pain, through sorrow, through hope, through disappointment, into the very depths of the souls of our people and drag forth material crude, rough, neglected. Then let's sing it, dance it, write it, paint it. Let's do the impossible." - Aaron Douglas

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