"A global network of Loving Day celebrations commemorate the anniversary of the Loving decision every year on or around June 12th. The Loving Day name comes from Loving v. Virginia (1967), the landmark Supreme Court decision that declared all laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional in the United States. We found it quite perfect that a couple named Richard and Mildred Loving won their right to marry, and we know a good thing when we see it. So, Loving Day refers to two kinds of loving: the couple in the Supreme Court case, and the original definition of loving."
Even though this day is celebrated as a step forward and in the right direction for equal rights to make something legal, which is a very positive thing, there is still to this day problems with this and a lot of other human rights. The legality of marriage is not important to me personally, but the right to love and be with whoever you want to without being ridiculed or persecuted for it is!!! This is something the courts cannot solve because it is a pure hatred and evilness that lives in the heart of many people around the world that will do anything in their power to not accept other's lives and do what they can to make them miserable, that is really what was happening to the Loving family - they could not go anywhere or do anything ever, they couldn't even live in the same house!!!! This had nothing to do with the court deciding this was the evilness that lived in the heart of the people that would and could not accept them being together based on ignorance and bigotry. This is the root of the problem and unfortunately the world will never be rid of it, but on days like this we can acknowledge and teach others so that one-by-one and for future generations they are taught correctly and grow-up with love in their hearts and not hate!!!!!
Please click the link below and learn more about Loving Day.
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