I am sure there are a lot of people voicing their opinions right now and everyone especially in this country thinks they have a right to it and they can judge people all they want to, but really you have NO RIGHT to judge anyone, but yourself!!!! If you have opinion based off of someone's sports performance and what they do on the field, fine, but you have no right to judge someone for their character and approach! The people at FOX and ESPN especially need to check themselves! You have never got excited about anything in your life or been upset that people talk trash about you and then you prove them wrong? Oh, yeah that's right you haven't and probably never will because your NOT doing ANYTHING but talking shit about other people!!!!!
If Richard Sherman wants to be brash and he wants to be loud and he wants to talk the way he does deal with it!!!! Just because he doesn't fit into your stupid, bitch-ass view of how people should act in this world does not mean what he does is wrong or harmful in anyway!!!! We need more people like Richard Sherman in this world! People with passion, fire, love, talent, and a since of pride in self and their job in life! If you have something to say about someone as a Sports Analyst or Reporter then talk about someone's performance in that sport, not about their character or how they act!!! Yes, if someone commits a crime or something serious I understand talking about what the person did if they are convicted, but other than that keep it solely about someone's performance and that is it!!!!!
People in this world must not learn the mantra from their parents anymore that goes "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all." Whether this was a serious saying to teach kids a lesson or not, Adults today need to repeat this and live by this!!!! I personally loved Richard's passion and excitement and thought it was great that he got to tell all of his critics on National TV that no matter what you say I still come out here and play my best to be the best! But even my opinion doesn't matter either, all that matters is what Richard Sherman does for himself and his team and him talking and speaking out does nothing to harm himself or his team in ANY way, the media and reporters are the one's that harm and hurt people and teams because they make stories out of every little thing and most of the time they love to turn things negative so it gets buzz and people talking about it.
I got to shake hands with Richard Sherman when he came to SportsNation and hear him speak from his heart about the haters. He was one of the nicest and most friendly people I have gotten to see and meet in person. I don't know him personally or anything, but I have NEVER seen him do or say anything horrible to hurt ANYONE!!!! I know no matter what I say people will still continue to be idiots and talk our of their asses about him and others playing sports as well, but just know this, your opinion does NOT matter one bit and if anything those players take your ignorance and stupidity and use it on the field to fuel them to play better and prove you wrong time and time again!!!! I have been feeling this way about this for a long time and this situation with Richard Sherman just put me over the edge that I had to at least say something about it using actual facts and logic instead of hollow-ass opinions!
Oh and if this was a white man, you wouldn't say shit, don't even try to tell me that people aren't still racist and complete ignorant!!! Negative press is almost exclusive to black people, but when it comes to the white boys you always want to talk about the positive and legacy!!! So keep your racist, ignorant shit to yourselves!!!!
Richard Sherman, never change and keep doing you because that is what makes you not only the best corner in the game, but a great human being! You already know, but just wanted to send some positive vibes your way ad-mist all of the negativity. Many blessings to you always!!!
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