And again I had a hard time finding any type of picture or statue that would depict based on REAL history what Hannibal would look like and a site that would tell his REAL origin and history as well without trying to put religion and lies into it!!!! Thankfully the site below is pretty good, but let's make this very clear first off, Hannibal was black!!!! Another piece of history related to this that no one wants the general public to know is that Sicily in particular was a settlement of the Phoenician people, who were the group of people the Carthaginians came from, the Phoenicians created and settled Carthage. These people had been settled in Sicily and surrounding areas since 750 B.C. way before the Romans and they did not conquer anyone to get the land, they just settled there, so they had all original rights to this land, so really Hannibal besides avenging his father was just taking back what already belong to his people in the beginning and was taken by force by the Romans. "Carthage and Rome were at war during the First Punic War (264-241 B.C.). Both empires were seeking supremacy over the Mediterranean. Hannibal's father, Hamilcar Barca, general of the Carthaginian mercenaries, was infuriated about the western Mediterranean losses of Sicily and Sardinia. When Hannibal was 17 years old, however, his father was killed in an ambush in Spain, which was primarily under the rule of the North African empire. Hannibal would son step fully into his military career. In October 218 B.C., during the Second Punic War, Hannibal had arrived at the Alps. His soldiers are said to have stretched for more than eight miles at the Alps, the foothills of the Roman Empire. Hannibal's army of 100,000 men would trek and fight 1,500 miles to arrive at the Alps from Spain. Hannibal armies included Numidians, North Africans from an area roughly where Algeria now draws its boundaries. The Numidians were known as master horsemen who could guide their horses with their knees, leaving their hands free to use swords and throw javelins.They had fought attacks from European tribes like the Gauls." Thank you Mr. Hannibal for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Hannibal. :-)
"Soldiers! You have now surmounted not only the ramparts of Italy, but also Rome. You are entering friendly country inhabited by people who hate the Romans as much as we do. The rest of the journey will be smooth and downhill, and, after one, or at most a second battle, you will have the citadel and capital of Italy in your possession." - Hannibal
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