This is a blog mostly focused on educating and teaching about great, important people, events, and celebrations in life. Teaching some history and TRUTH that you might not see or hear about other places because people don't want you to know or care about these people or the history. I will also throw in some reviews and misc things every once in awhile, but the main goal is to educate and then also learn from others myself :-).
"Following the success of Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday celebrations in London’s Hyde Park in June 2008, it was decided that there could be nothing more fitting than to celebrate Mr Mandela’s birthday each year with a day dedicated to his life’s work and that of his charitable organizations, and to ensure his legacy continues forever. The Mandela Day campaign message is simple: Mr Mandela gave 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. All we are asking is that everyone gives 67 minutes of their time, whether it’s supporting your chosen charity or serving your local community.Mandela Day is a call to action for individuals – for people everywhere – to take responsibility for changing the world into a better place, one small step at a time, just as Mr Mandela did." Thank you Mr. Mandela for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Nelson Mandela.
"It is estimated that Leroy "Satchel" Paige was born on July 7, 1906. The mere idea that his birthday is an estimate provides perfect evidence to the mystery that was Satchel Paige. In 1965, 60 years after Paige's supposed birthday, he took the mound for the last time, throwing three shutout innings for the Kansas City Athletics. Joe DiMaggio called Satchel Paige "the best and fastest pitcher I've ever faced". His pitching was amazing and his showboating was legendary. His career highlights span five decades. Pronounced the greatest pitcher in the history of the Negro Leagues, Paige compiled such feats as 64 consecutive scoreless innings, a stretch of 21 straight wins, and a 31-4 record in 1933. For 22 years, Paige mauled the competition in front of sellout crowds. Sure, he liked the attention, but to him, there was only one goal. That goal would be to pitch in the Major Leagues." Thank you Mr. Paige for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Satchel Paige.
"Frida Kahlo de Rivera (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954; Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón) was a Mexican painter, born in Coyoacán. Perhaps best known for her self-portraits, Kahlo's work is remembered for its "pain and passion", and its intense, vibrant colors. Her work has been celebrated in Mexico as emblematic of national and indigenous tradition, and by feminists for its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form. Mexican culture and Amerindian cultural tradition figure prominently in her work, which has sometimes been characterized as Naïve art or folk art. Her work has also been described as "surrealist", and in 1938 one surrealist described Kahlo herself as a "ribbon around a bomb"."
Her paintings are some of my favorite pieces of art of all-time!!! I love her work because it is REAL, no matter any exaggeration or artistic liberties the TRUTH and REALNESS always jumps out at you! She was a very creative and eccentric person and lived a very different life, but the originality, vibrancy, and intelligence of her work made it certain that she would be celebrated and acknowledge for her work for many generations! Thank you Ms. Kahlo for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Friday Kahlo.
"Patrice Lumumba was the first prime minister of the Republic of the Congo. He was a leading figure in the Congo as that country established its independence from Belgium, which had controlled the Congo since the late nineteenth century. Lumumba's murder in 1961 has made him a symbol of struggle for champions of African nations' attempts to unite and to break free of the influence of the European powers that once colonized (held territory in) the continent."
Mr. Lumumba is another victim of the racism and elitism of the world! Killed because he stood up for what is right and what is right for his people, he was not going to be controlled by people from outside his country!!! Again, we need more people like this in the world and we need to somehow break through the European elitism and it needs to be known that every human being deserves the same respect and rights! First and foremost though Africa needs to be given back to Africa and then maybe Africa would open their arms again, but I truly believe everything that belongs to Africa should be given back NOW!!!! If there is no continuation to do this then people like Mr. Lumumba lived and died in vain because no one is there to carry on the legacy and fight!!! Thank you Mr. Lumumba for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Patrice Lumumba.
“We are proud of this struggle, of tears, of fire, and of blood, to the depths of our being, for it was a noble and just struggle, and indispensable to put an end to the humiliating slavery which was imposed upon us by force.” - Patrice Lumumba
"Thurgood Marshall studied law at Howard University. As counsel to the NAACP, he utilized the judiciary to champion equality for African Americans. In 1954, he won the Brown v. Board of Education case, in which the Supreme Court ended racial segregation in public schools. Marshall was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1967, and served for 24 years. He died in Maryland on January 24, 1993."
I really think Mr. Marshall was an absolutely amazing man - one in very few that actually use their knowledge of the law and legal system to do something good and positive! More people coming up within the system should look up to him and want to be like him. We need more people like him in the world, people that will stand-up for what is right, not just what is convenient and what they can manipulate the law to be.Thank you Mr. Marshall for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Thurgood Marshall.
"None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody - a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns - bent down and helped us pick up our boots." - Thurgood Marshall
"Civil rights activist Medgar Evers was born on July 2, 1925, in Decatur, Mississippi. In 1954, he became the first state field secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi. As such, he organized voter-registration efforts, demonstrations, and economic boycotts of companies that practiced discrimination. He also worked to investigate crimes perpetrated against blacks. On June 12, 1963, Evers was assassinated outside of his home in Jackson, Mississippi."
The death of Mr. Evers is still one the most despicable things that has happened with government set-ups and shady shit with the USA government. It is too bad that even with his death there is still ignorance and stupidity! Hopefully more people can continue to get more education as to what the REAL truth is and actually live it! Thank you Mr. Evers for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Medgar Evers.
"Benjamin Oliver Davis, Sr., was the first African-American general for the US Army, after starting as a volunteer in the Spanish-American War. Following many years of service he became an adviser for the military on racial discrimination, pushing for full integration of the armed forces. He earned a Bronze Star Medal and Distinguished Service Medal." Thank you Mr. Davis Sr. for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Benjamin O. Davis Sr.
"Actress and singer Lena Horne was born June 30, 1917, in Brooklyn, New York. She left school at age 16 to help support her mother and became a dancer at the Cotton Club in Harlem. She later sang at Carnegie Hall and appeared in such films as Stormy Weather and The Wiz. She was also known for her work with civil rights groups, and refused to play roles that stereotyped African-American women." Thank you Ms. Horne for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Lena Horne.
"Born on June 29, 1886, in Lenox, Massachusetts, James Van Der Zee developed a passion for photography as a youth, and opened up his own Harlem studio in 1916. Van Der Zee became known for his detailed imagery of African-American life, and for capturing celebrities such as Florence Mills and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Following hard financial times, Van Der Zee enjoyed a resurge in his career during his later years. He died in 1983 in Washington, D.C." Thank you Mr. Van Der Zee for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about James Van Der Zee.
"Back then……Bob Haro started Haro Designs in the late 1970′s to create products and services for the emerging BMX scene. Bob was originally a motor cross fanatic, but graduated towards Bicycle Motor Cross when his Honda motorcycle gave up mechanically, and his funds to fix it ran dry. BMX Racing was booming in Southern California, so using his artistic talents and his keen eye for design, he began to produce hand made custom numberplates for local racers. The plates were uique and proved popular, and provided an income when the alternative was working in a supermarket as a box boy. This modest beginning would bloom into a business that changed the shape of BMX, leading the developing market in different directions. From the early beginnings on tour with the BMX Action Trick Team, to the mid 1980′s, the name “Haro” simply dominated the world of BMX Freestyle with products, accessories and a team of riders who were almost undefeatable in competition. As a rider on tour with his team, as a designer and as a pioneer of the sport, Bob Haro sits proudly in the fabric of BMX and without him, it just wouldn’t be the same….Modern Times…Bob continues to indulge his eye for design and has enjoyed success in other areas of action Sports with his modern day Company; Haro Designs. He maintains a keen interest in the modern day sport of BMX and can be seen regularly at events across the United States, Europe and Asia." Thank you Mr. for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about .
June 23rd is Wilma Rudolph Day!!! "Wilma Rudolph was a sickly child who had to wear a brace on her left leg. She overcame her disabilities through physical therapy and hard work, and went on to become a gifted runner. Rudolph became the first American woman to win three gold medals at a single Olympics in 1960, at the Summer Games in Rome, and later worked as a teacher and track coach. She died in Tennessee in 1994." Thank you Ms. Rudolph for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Wilma Rudolph. "Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us." - Wilma Rudolph
"The UN General Assembly, in its Resolution 57/277, designated 23 June as Public Service Day (A/RES/57/277). The UN Public Service Day intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector. Since the first Awards Ceremony in 2003, the United Nations has received an increasing number of submissions from all around the world."
Please click the link below and learn more about United Nations Public Service Day.
"Katherine Dunham was an American dancer, choreographer and anthropologist noted for her innovative interpretations of ritualistic and ethnic dances." Not only did she learn through her studies and travels the history and roots of African people, but she brought this experience to her dancing and choreography. Making sure that generation after generation can see and realize the true beauty and history of the roots of humanity. Thank you Ms. Dunham for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Katherine Dunham.
"Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation - which had become official January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new Executive Order. However, with the surrender of General Lee in April of 1865, and the arrival of General Granger’s regiment, the forces were finally strong enough to influence and overcome the resistance.
Later attempts to explain this two and a half year delay in the receipt of this important news have yielded several versions that have been handed down through the years. Often told is the story of a messenger who was murdered on his way to Texas with the news of freedom. Another, is that the news was deliberately withheld by the enslavers to maintain the labor force on the plantations. And still another, is that federal troops actually waited for the slave owners to reap the benefits of one last cotton harvest before going to Texas to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. All of which, or neither of these version could be true. Certainly, for some, President Lincoln's authority over the rebellious states was in question For whatever the reasons, conditions in Texas remained status quo well beyond what was statutory."
Please click the link below and learn more about Juneteenth Day.
I am celebrating him on this day because there is no record of his actual birth day. This day in history is the day of the Battle at Bunker Hill and I think it fitting to celebrate him on this day. "Salem Poor was a distinguished military hero who fought valiantly in the American Revolution. This courageous African American made a significant contribution to thestruggle to create an independent United States of America. But in a sad commentary on the plight of Blacks of that time, he was unable to enjoy any fitting recognition or reward despite a distinguished record of service." Thank you Mr. Poor for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Salem Poor.
"James Weldon Johnson was born on June 17, 1871, in Jacksonville, Florida. He founded the Daily American newspaper in 1895. In 1897, he passed the bar and, two years later, wrote the song, "Lift Every Voice and Sing." In the early 1890s, he wrote an autobiography. He published his first poetry collection in 1917. In 1920, Weldon became the first black manager of the NAACP." Thank you Mr. Johnson for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about James Weldon Johnson.
"You are young, gifted, and Black. We must begin to tell our young, There's a world waiting for you, Yours is the quest that's just begun." - James Weldon Johnson
"A global network of Loving Day celebrations commemorate the anniversary of the Loving decision every year on or around June 12th. The Loving Day name comes from Loving v. Virginia (1967), the landmark Supreme Court decision that declared all laws against interracial marriage unconstitutional in the United States. We found it quite perfect that a couple named Richard and Mildred Loving won their right to marry, and we know a good thing when we see it. So, Loving Day refers to two kinds of loving: the couple in the Supreme Court case, and the original definition of loving."
Even though this day is celebrated as a step forward and in the right direction for equal rights to make something legal, which is a very positive thing, there is still to this day problems with this and a lot of other human rights. The legality of marriage is not important to me personally, but the right to love and be with whoever you want to without being ridiculed or persecuted for it is!!! This is something the courts cannot solve because it is a pure hatred and evilness that lives in the heart of many people around the world that will do anything in their power to not accept other's lives and do what they can to make them miserable, that is really what was happening to the Loving family - they could not go anywhere or do anything ever, they couldn't even live in the same house!!!! This had nothing to do with the court deciding this was the evilness that lived in the heart of the people that would and could not accept them being together based on ignorance and bigotry. This is the root of the problem and unfortunately the world will never be rid of it, but on days like this we can acknowledge and teach others so that one-by-one and for future generations they are taught correctly and grow-up with love in their hearts and not hate!!!!!
Please click the link below and learn more about Loving Day.
June 11th is Vince Lombardi Day!!!
"Vincent Thomas Lombardi is arguably the greatest football coach of all time, and is on the short list of history’s greatest coaches, regardless of sport. His ability to teach, motivate and inspire players helped turn the Green Bay Packers into the most dominating NFL team in the 1960s."
So, not only was Mr. Lombardi the greatest football coach, but he was just a good coach for life in general. No, the man was not perfect and no man is, but he literally lived his life to help and guide as many boys become as possible - no matter who they were. He is a true inspiration and mentor. Still to this day many look-up to his words and advice. A man wise beyond his years and a talent in coaching that is untouchable! Thank you Mr. Lombardi for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Vince Lombardi.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Vince Lombardi
"Gene Wilder began his career in the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde, but he became famous as a favorite of writer/director Mel Brooks. His roles in Young Frankenstein and Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory made him eternally famous. In his later years, Wilder became a serious novelist, writing a memoir and several fiction novels." My favorite performances and movies of his though are the ones he did with Richard Pryor. The combination of them together was comedic genius and acting performance that was something magical. If you have not seen any of these movies you definitely need to watch them!!! Thank you Mr. Wilder for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Gene Wilder.
"Kamehameha Day was established by royal decree on December 22, 1871 by King Kamehameha V as a national holiday. Kamehameha Day was created to honor the memory of Kamehameha, the king’s great grandfather, who united the Hawaiian Islands in 1810 and became Hawai‘i’s first king. The first celebration occurred on June 11, 1872, during this early period celebrations occurred on each island and were grand and festive consisting of carnivals, fairs, and foot, horse, velocipede (bike), and canoe races. However, following the overthrow of Queen Lili‘uokalani and the Kingdom of Hawai‘i in 1893, Kamehameha Day continued to be recognized as a holiday, but the celebratory aspect (understandably) fell to the wayside.After Hawai‘i became a territory of the United States in 1898, Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana‘ole restored the Royal Order of Kamehameha I (Royal Order) in 1903. The Royal Order subsequently reestablished the celebration of Kamehameha Day on June 11, 1904. The Kamehameha Day celebrations in Hawai‘i were conducted exclusively by the Royal Order from 1904 until 1912. In 1912 respective chapters of the Royal Order began to collaborate with island communities and local governments to present Kamehameha Day celebrations."
Please click the link below and learn more about King Kamehameha.
"Jackie Wilson was a dynamic soul performer during 1960s who successfully crossed over from the rhythm-and-blues charts to pop music. His transition paved the way for a generation of black performers. Wilson gained fame with the group Billy Ward and His Dominoes, and turned solo in 1957. His hit "Lonely Teardrops" was released in 1958. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987."
I just have to say, I love love love this man!!! His voice, his moves - i just can't say enough about how much he influenced and how great he was. So, just take the time to listen and watch! Thank you Mr. Wilson for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Jackie Wilson.
"Aaron Douglas was an African-American painter and graphic artist who played a leading role in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s. His first major commission, to illustrate Alain LeRoy Locke's book, The New Negro, prompted requests for graphics from other Harlem Renaissance writers. By 1939, Douglas started teaching at Fisk University, where he remained for the next 27 years." Thank you Mr. Douglas for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Aaron Douglas.
"(L)et's bare our arms and plunge them deep through laughter, through pain, through sorrow, through hope, through disappointment, into the very depths of the souls of our people and drag forth material crude, rough, neglected. Then let's sing it, dance it, write it, paint it. Let's do the impossible." - Aaron Douglas
"Gwendolyn Brooks was a highly regarded, much-honored poet, with the distinction of being the first black author to win the Pulitzer Prize. She also was poetry consultant to the Library of Congress—the first black woman to hold that position—and poet laureate of the State of Illinois. Many of Brooks's works display a political consciousness, especially those from the 1960s and later, with several of her poems reflecting the civil rights activism of that period. Her body of work gave her, according to Dictionary of Literary Biography contributor George E. Kent, 'a unique position in American letters. Not only has she combined a strong commitment to racial identity and equality with a mastery of poetic techniques, but she has also managed to bridge the gap between the academic poets of her generation in the 1940s and the young black militant writers of the 1960s'." Thank you Ms. Brooks for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Gwendolyn Brooks.
"Look at what's happening in this world. Every day there's something exciting or disturbing to write about. With all that's going on, how could I stop?"- Gwendolyn Brooks
"For nearly six decades, Miles Davis has embodied all that is cool – in his music (and most especially jazz), in his art, fashion, romance, and in his international, if not intergalactic, presence that looms strong as ever today. 2006 – The year in which Miles Davis was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame on March 13th – is a landmark year, commemorating the 80th anniversary of his birth on May 26, 1926, and the 15th anniversary of his death on September 28, 1991. In between those two markers is more than a half-century of brilliance – often exasperating, brutally honest with himself and to others, uncompromising in a way that transcended mere intuition." Thank you Mr. Davis for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Miles Davis.
March 23rd is Walter Rodney Day!!! "Rodney combined his scholarship with activism and became a voice for the under-represented and disenfranchised – this distinguished him from his academic colleagues. His interest in the struggles of the working class began at a young age with an introduction to politics by his father, and continued with his involvement in debating and study groups throughout his student years. His PhD thesis illustrated his duality as an intellectual and activist as he challenged the prevailing assumptions about African history and put forth his own ideas and models for analyzing the history of oppressed peoples. Influenced by the Black Power Movement in the U.S., third world revolutionaries and Marxist theory, Rodney began to actively challenge the status quo. In 1968, while a UWI professor in Jamaica, he joined others to object to the socio-economic and political direction of the government. Unlike his counterparts, however, Rodney involved the working class, including the Rastafarians (one of Jamaica’s most marginalized groups) in this dialogue. His speeches and lectures to these groups were published as Grounding with My Brothers, and became central to the Caribbean Black Power Movement. Rodney’s activities attracted the Jamaican government’s attention and after attending the 1968 Black Writers’ Conference in Montreal, Canada he was banned from re-entering the country. This decision was to have profound repercussions, sparking widespread unrest in Kingston." Thank you Mr. Rodney for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Walter Rodney. :-) " overall view of ancient African civilization and ancient African cultures is required to expunge the myths about the African past, which linger in the mind of Black people everywhere. This is the main revolutionary function of African History in our hemisphere." - Walter Rodney
March 21st is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination!!! "The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on 21 March. On that day, in 1960, police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa, against the apartheid "pass laws". Proclaiming the Day in 1966, the General Assembly called on the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination" (UN resolution 2142 (XXI)). Please click the link below and learn more about International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
March 20th is Sister Rosetta Tharpe Day!!! The first thing I need to say about this woman is, WOW!!!!!!! Ms. Tharpe is one of the most influential musicians of all time and not many people know about her or who she is. In a nutshell she is the Godmother of Rock & Roll!!!!! If you want to know where all of the most famous Rock & Roll artists got their songs, guitar style, singing style, movements, pretty much the who Rock & Roll attitude, look no further than Sister Rosetta Tharpe!!! She may of not realized it at the time what she was starting and creating, but she is super important and definitely take the time today to listen to some of her music and watch some videos of her. Learn more so that you are aware of where it all began . Thank you Ms. Tharpe for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Sister Rosetta Tharpe. :-) "Can't no grave hold my body down, I am going to rise one morning" - Sister Rosetta Tharpe
March 20th is Mr. Fred Rogers Day!!! Ok, if you don't know who Mr. Rogers is then you lived under a rock your entire life and you missed out on one of the greatest TV shows for kids in HISTORY!!! Besides the TV show though Mr. Rogers was and still is considered an amazing man - he advocated for many causes and won numerous medals and awards. His TV show though was what captivated us all. A man that was always nice, had amazing friends and neighbors and was always teaching you something new and different. Let's not forget the land of make believe and the puppets . I learned a lot from this show growing up and honestly all kids and adults a like should still be watching today because it seems everyone has forgotten how to act and how things should be. Mr. Rogers was literally the go to nice guy. Me personally, my love of music and theatre partially came from the Mr. Rogers show because I would always wait for them to do a play special - those were always my favorites . Anyways, this man definitely was a blessing to the world and deserves to be remembered and never forgotten. Thank you Mr. Rogers for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Fred Rogers. :-) “When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.” - Fred Rogers
March 19th is Jackie "Moms" Mabley Day!!! "Moms Mabley was born in Brevard, North Carolina in the 1890s, and went on to establish a career as the top standup comedienne of her time. She starred in several films, became a headliner at the Apollo Theater and in the '60s had hit comedy albums. She was also a top draw for a number of TV variety shows. She died in New York on May 23, 1975. Comedian Whoopi Goldberg has directed a documentary on Mabley's life." Thank you Ms. Mabley for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Jackie "Moms" Mabley. :-) "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got." - Moms Mabley
March 17th is the Celebration of the Golden Thirteen Day!!! The Golden Thirteen were the first African-American Naval Officers that were appointed in March of 1944, I am not sure of the actual day, but it would have been around this day. This was a huge accomplishment and progression for the military of the Navy. FDR had signed an executive order in June of 1941 that prohibited racial discrimination in any government agency, but not until extreme pressure from Eleanor Roosevelt and others did they actually start a training program in 1994 for these officers that they finally went through. It is too bad that this did not happen sooner, but I am very happy that it did happen and very proud of the long line of African-Americans in the Navy and military after and before. There have been sooo many more since then, but on this day we definitely want to celebrate these men! Thank you Golden Thirteen for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about the Golden Thirteen. :-)
March 17th is Bayard Rustin Day!!! Mr. Rustin was very instrumental in the civil rights movement. He worked very closely with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He actually did a lot that I never knew about until doing research, he is one of the important figures of that movement. Thank you Mr. Rustin for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Bayard Rustin. :-) "To be afraid is to behave as if the truth were not true." - Bayard Rustin
March 17th is Nat King Cole Day!!! This man was and still is absolutely amazing!!! I was first introduced to Nat King Cole at a very young age through his Christmas music and I was sooo hooked !!! After that I always wanted to hear his music and learn more about Mr. Cole. During his life and music career he had to deal with a lot of racial tension and many times had to perform to segregated crowds. He even had a couple happenings with the KKK. A very strong and excellent person to still keep his music alive through all the hardships and things he had to deal with. I love listening to his music and will always continue to listen my entire life and pass his messages on. If you have not listened to Mr. Cole's music please look some up and do because guaranteed you will love it!!! Thank you Mr. Cole for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Nat King Cole. :-) "I may be helping to bring harmony between people through my music." - Nat King Cole
March 15th is Sly Stone Day!!! Well, honestly there is not much to say about Sly besides how wonderful the music is, so take a listen and appreciate!!! Thank you Mr. Stone for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Sly Stone. :-) “You can make it if you try, push a little harder, think a little deeper.”
March 15th is Harriet E. Wilson Day!!! I actually just learned about her today, but just from the bit I have learned and researched I know she was an amazing woman. Even though she did only publish one novel the emotion and passion that was put into the purpose and the story. She was the first African American to ever have a novel published in the USA, meaning that this was one of the first stories people were able to read about how slavery was and the treatment. Although this only highlight basically her life, it is an important stepping stone coming from a amazing and humble woman. Thank you Mrs. Wilson for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Harriet E. Wilson. :-)
March 14th is Albert Einstein Day!!! "Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. As a child, Einstein revealed an extraordinary curiosity for understanding the mysteries of science (started only at age 10/11). A typical child (only to his socio-economic class — educated middle class), Einstein took music lessons, playing both the violin and piano — a passion that followed him into adulthood. Moving first to Italy and then to Switzerland, the young prodigy graduated from high-school in 1896. In 1905, while working as a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, Einstein had what came to be known as his “Annus Mirabilis” — or “miracle year”. It was during this time that the young physicist obtained his Doctorate degree and published four of his most influential research papers, including the Special Theory of Relativity. In that, the now world famous equation "e = mc2" unlocked mysteries of the Universe theretofore unknown." Thank you Mr. Einstein for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Albert Einstein. :-) “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” - Albert Einstein
March 14th is Abdias do Nascimento Day!!! Abdias do Nascimento is an Afro-Brasilian writer, scholar, activist and politician. He did a lot to help the Afro-Brasilian population of Brasil and bring to the light what need for education and recognition of this population of people. He was always trying to make the original heritage from Africa was not forgotten and there was equal rights for the Afro-Brasilians. Thank you Mr. Nascimento for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Abdias do Nascimento. :-) “You just have to look at a black family. Where do they live? The black children, how are they educated? You’ll see that it’s all a lie. You must understand that I’m saying this with profound hatred, profound bitterness at the way black people are treated in Brazil.” - Abdias do Nascimento
March 14th is Quincy Jones Day!!! Ok, so what can I say about Mr. Jones that people don't already know? Not really much at all! This man's music talent is out of this world and we can all thank him for some of the best music of modern times!!!! He is a success on his own, but he also produced music for some of the greatest as well. He has won 27 Grammys along with numerous other medals and awards. My best suggestion would be to just find his music and listen and learn. This is really the best way to know and understand the musical genius that is Mr. Quincy Jones Thank you Mr. Jones for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Quincy Jones. :-) "Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old shared a little of what he is good at doing." - Quincy Jones
March 12th is Olaudah Equiano Day!!! Olaudah was a child when taken from his village in Nigeria and put on a slave ship. He lived a very hard life, but he accomplished much. Later in life he wrote down his autobiography and shared his life with anyone who wants to know. He is a very important figure because he shows how coming from the worst situation he was able to still grow, learn, and rise above. Thank you Mr. Equiano for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about Olaudah Equiano. :-) "My dream now returned upon my mind with all its force; it was fulfilled in every part; for our danger was the same I had dreamt of: and I could not help looking on myself as the principal instrument in effecting our deliverance..." - Olaudah Equiano