Today we celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of women as well as bring awareness to the ongoing issues that plague this world with the mistreatment and lack of respect for women! Everyone no matter, race, gender, creed, or anything else society uses to separate humans is NOT acceptable!!! Treat everyone right and give respect where respect is due, but don't judge or think anything less of someone for anything that is just humanly how that person is. I would like to especially on this day bring awareness to the abuse women go through because men have a superiority complex and think they are better and can control and do whatever they want to women. I have put a link to a song below that I really like that talks about. Just something to think about today and everyday and if you can do something to help, please do! Also, women of the world don't let anyone make you think less of yourself or that you are not capable of doing something! If you set your mind, heart, and soul on something you CAN make it happen. Chase your dreams and your goals and ALWAYS ask for help! If you feel you are stuck and not moving forward or need to get out of a bad situation they is ALWAYS someone there to help and bring you into a better life. Thank you all of the women of the world for all of your contributions and inspiration! Please click the link below and learn more about International Women's Day and the history of it.
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." - Eleanor Roosevelt
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